(The chunk update range varies with view range and memory settings in single player mode and is admin-configurable on multiplayer servers.) The following events will not occur in a spawn chunk unless the player is within the chunk update range. Several game events require that a player be within the chunk update range, in addition to having the chunk loaded into memory.

Iron golems will spawn and villagers will breed if all other conditions are met.

Villages can be created and deleted as villagers move about and doors are broken.
Minecarts will travel around and trigger detector and activator rails.Minecarts, hoppers, dispensers and redstone mechanisms will all operate normally.However, if primed TNT is launched into an unloaded chunk, it will freeze and not explode until that chunk is loaded.If the explosion reaches into an unloaded chunk, no blocks in the unloaded chunk will be affected.Sand and gravel will fall if the block below is moved or destroyed.Passive mobs, such as baby animals and villagers, will grow into adults.Dropped items will fall and can be moved by water or destroyed by lava and will despawn after 5 minutes if not picked up by a player or collected by a hopper.Fire will spread to any nearby flammable objects.Lava can start fires on nearby flammable objects.The following events will occur without interruption in spawn chunks, regardless of player location in the Overworld. Setting it to a place that receives intense lag (for example, the Far Lands, or an area with a large number of redstone clocks) will cause that lag to be present no matter where you are. Be careful when resetting the worldspawn (with the command /setworldspawn ). Since spawn chunks do not get unloaded, they continue to process events, even when no players are nearby. This can make effective farming difficult when the player spends a lot of time exploring or in another dimension.

This means, for instance, that redstone machines and iron golem farms will only work if a player is nearby. When a chunk is unloaded, all processing in that chunk stops. As the player moves through the game world, new chunks that come into range are loaded into memory and older chunks that are out of range are unloaded and saved to the disk. Normally only the chunks immediately surrounding a player are loaded into memory.